Rx for the Endless Winter: Eye Candy #17

Oh, the weather outside is frightful,

But the food inside’s delightful,

And simply no place to go,

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Chinese food can cheer me up when nothing else can, and I made it myself, and it’s yummy. Take that, Old Man Winter!

Winter Antidote: Chinese Food

(If you click on the photo, the plate is just about life size! Supply your own chopsticks, please.)

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2 Responses to Rx for the Endless Winter: Eye Candy #17

  1. Stef says:

    1) Your food looks amazing; it looks like you are a talented chef!
    2) I love your comment to click to make the plate life-size – and the request that we provide our own chopsticks.
    3) I appreciate that you are embracing winter in creative ways. 🙂

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